
With the help of Arts and Disability Ireland we are continually broadening our services to cater for visitors, audiences and artists with access requirements.

Axis has a street-level entrance with a motion detected sliding door. The café, theatre and creche can be accessed via the ground floor. There is an accessible toilet on the ground floor. There are two accessible parking spaces on the Main Ballymun Road and there is a Dublin Bus stop located at the plaza on which Axis is located as well as across the road from it. 

The first floor studio spaces are accessible by either a lift or staircase. Most of our studios have sufficient space to adapt to a variety of access requirements including working a different heights or levels. Our Dance Studio and Underground Rehearsal Studios and Recoring Studio have double doors that can both be opened. Our art studio has a single door. Our Dance Studio, Gallery and Art Studio have white walls but a band of coloured tape can be added at eye level for practicing artists with visual impairments who may require this. 

The Theatre can accommodate up to 6 wheelchair users per performance. Please let Box Office know at point of booking to ensure an accessible seat is available.

We have a small number of ear defenders for audience members to borrow should they need them during a performance. You can request these at Box Office before the show.

Axis endeavours to programme work which is appropriate for a wide range of audiences including relaxed performances in our programme where possible. For information on future relaxed performances, please contact Box Office on 01 883 2100 or reception (at)